To create something new in daily practice requires curiosity, consistency and courage. Then day-to-day work becomes an experiment in the lab.
… at Architects Collective are a permanently learning organization. Always on the move, we see every new project as a chance to improve. We love challenges: the more demanding the challenge, the more we can hone our skills. We operate and co-operate at eye level within our team, but also with our clients and partners.
We transfer established know-how from one field to another and gain new insight. Our international orientation – with projects in Europe, Asia and America – helps us to constantly broaden our horizon.
We are convinced that good architecture must do more than simply fulfill its function: it has to deliver sustained – and sustainable – benefits. The exploration of new spatial qualities must add to people’s lives, to the way they work, practice sports, recover or travel. This additional value of a creative just as functional outstanding performance is the benchmark we set for our architecture.