Project description
Construction of a new Technology & Research Center
Leoben, AT
AT&S Austria Technologie & Systemtechnik Aktiengesellschaft
Construction / completion
02/2022 - 10/2023
Site area
61.000 m²
Floor area
37.000 m²
Architecture & Structural Engineering
Basic design
UNIT4 GmbH & Co. KG
IBH – Tragwerksplanung GmbH
Architecture & Structural Engineering
Planning permission and Detail design
Architects Collective ZT GmbH
Thomas Lorenz ZT GmbH
General planning
Exyte Central Europe GmbH
Visualization / Photos construction site
Architects Collective / Exyte GmbH
Hertha Hurnaus
Another step towards microchip security for Europe: The new building of the AT&S Technology and Research Center in Leoben. The Austrian microelectronics manufacturer is investing around 500 million euros in its headquarters in Styria by 2025 and is strengthening Europe's semiconductor industry by expanding its high-tech production. On almost 40,000 square meters, a new area for research and production with around 800 new jobs is being created.
A global leader in the semiconductor industry
AT&S Austria Technologie & Systemtechnik AG is a world leader in the microelectronics industry, by manufacturing high-quality printed circuit boards and IC substrates for use in mobile devices, automotive, industrial electronics, medical and health technology. AT&S contributes to the global competitiveness of interconnection technologies by expanding its Leoben site. The demand for high-performance microelectronic in all areas of life is high and continues to rise.
The Austrian microelectronics manufacturer is investing around 500 million euros in its headquarters in Styria by 2025 and is strengthening Europe's semiconductor industry by expanding its high-tech production.

FAB clean room

FAB clean room aisle